The Madonna in Western Painting av Christo Kovachevski

130 kr

Inbunden. Alpine Fine Arts Collection (UK). 1991. 163 sidor. Illustrerad. Bok och skyddsomslag i gott skick med mindre bruks- och hanteringsspår, tillskrift av någon på försättsblad. ISBN 0881681938. Vikt: 1503 g.

Text på insidan av fliken: Christo Kovachevski´s book The Madonna in Western Painting brings us in touch with the beautiful world of fine art and treats the iconography of the Mother of God. The book familiarizes the reader with world famous masterpieces of West European painting, suggest correct interpretations and assessments, analyzes most characteristic biblical subjects and their iconography which feature the Madonna. The author discusses 33 themes and about 95 subjects and variants. The book is written in a profilic, intelligible and clear language and the reader enjoys the mellifluous narrative which along with the interpretation of the depicted scenes tells a lot of particulars about the personages, events and painters. The scholary merit of the book is tremendous and unprecedented. The book contains 166 illustrations, a few of these black and white. The Madonna in Western Painting will be particulary valuable for readers who are believers and an indispensable source of information for everyone who wants to come in touch with the eternal, spiritual and aesthetic values of past ages. The book is addressed to a broad reading audience and will be a treasure to possess.